We listened to your feedback around supporting you on your empowerment journey. You wanted us to help you know who you are and understand your passion and purpose.
As a network we have also been reviewing our role in your world and how we can deliver real and tangible benefits to invest in our members in 2022 as we focus on being the most empowered version of ourselves possible.
So, as a truly special offer to our members we have been able to secure the services of Gallup certified coach Anne Lingafelter and are going to subsidise the investment in bringing her to the Sunshine Coast to provide individualised roadmaps for your empowerment journey.
This process of becoming stronger and more confident in controlling your life and claiming your rights begins by identifying your natural patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving... your unique strengths. We all have them, but often don't see or value these talents in ourselves and others.
In this 2.5 hour session we will help you name them, claim them and aim them... in your business, your personal lives and relationships.
Open to our members and limited to only 25 people per session, Anne will guide us through a strengths-based approach to understanding ourselves. We're excited to offer this to you, what insights it gives and the value it will bring to you both personally and professionally.
To be ready for your session, there are some commitments from you:
- Register for the morning or afternoon session that suits you on Tuesday 3rd May (only 25 spots per session are available).
- Purchase, for $31, an initial strengths questionnaire, (https://store.gallup.com/p/en-au/10108/top-5-cliftonstrengths)
- Complete the questionnaire prior to the day (takes around 20 minutes).
- Bring your results with you to your allocated session on 3rd May ready for Anne to guide you through what the results mean to you and how to apply them in your day to day life.
To understand more about Gallup feel free to visit https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/252137/home.aspx
Corporations invest in sessions such as these to ensure they maximise the value of their workforce. We know that many small to medium businesses would not have the resources to access the type of funding to go through this process alone. That is where we feel we have a role to play! Limited to 50 people in May, this is a trial to understand demand for this type of session, so even if you miss out on the first 50 spots in May, please email coordinator@scbwn.org.au to register your interest for a future session and we will work to create a plan to see our members receive the support they deserve.
Workshops will be held in The Everest Room at Vitality Village Birtinya, which has kindly been donated by The Good Place. We are truly grateful they have chosen to do this and help us keep prices low for our members.